What makes these paintings work? They show how I feel about life. They are happy! They are full of joy! This has not come easily in painting and life. Medical issues have always been a part of what defines me. I am happy to be alive. This is what my art says!!
Tyler School of Art, Temple University and The School of Art Institute of Chicago were great for technical education and eye popping exposure to what art can be. Italo Scanga, at Tyler, said be yourself, you’re great, go for it. He gave me wings and I flew to Chicago and the Art Institute. This was the BEST thing that had ever happened. Jim Zanzi taught me to be myself and to love what I do. To dive into my work with the zest and commitment of a visionary artist.
When it came time to earning a living, work for survival, art was the way to go. New Orleans had walls and murals were the business. For four years the city was covered with my beautiful art (in collaboration with Barbara S. Malone). My half of our enterprise moved north to Burlington, VT for three years and then to Providence, RI. The early years in Providence were devoted to children and launching my husband’s career.
In 2005 it was time to paint. The first exhibition was at Noah’s, in Stonington Borough, CT. It was a huge success almost selling out in its entirety.
My future is full of paint, color, patterns and a vision that brings a smile to many faces.
Click here for my CV.